2017 Active Members
Below is a list of all active WSC members. If you do not see your name on the list, please pay your dues. All active members are eligible to compete, buy club gear and vote. The easiest way to support the club and our mission is to pay your dues, so come to a meeting or better yet, pay them on line right now!
Amano, Lance
Andrews, Bill
Baesel, Cordon
Becerra, Erica
Becerra, Felipe
Becerra, Felipe Jr
Becerra, Nico
Becerra, Sebi
Bigler, Steve
Briggs, Brew
Brown, Mike
Brown, Noah
Callaway, Indy
Cheney, Marnie
Chery, Scot
Cincotta, Kevin
Cochrane, Ted
Cummings, Bob
Cunningham, Ricky
Dartland, Flynn
Davidge, Tom
De Kervor, JP
Desjardines, Andre
Ellner, Julie
Ewton, David
Feighan, Mark
Frapwell, David
Gillard, Mike
Gordan, Michael
Graham, Tim
Harrah, Jim
Hasley, Chip
Huffman, Bird
Hynson Jr., Mike
Jacobs, Johnny
Jenner, Steve
Jernigan, Nate
Johannesen-Moore, Dawn
Joseph, Miranda
Joseph, Miranda
Juboori, Valerie
Kantner, Kelly
Kantner, Kit
Keeping, David
Lhuiller, Emma
Lhuillier, Jeff
Lind, Randy
Linden, Gary
Lochtefeld, Peter
Lovell, Kellen
Lovell, Mike
Luber, Karl
Luscomb, Robb
​​ Maher, John
McCandless, Nancy
McCoy, Jeff
McLaughlin, Joseph
McLeod, Ron
Miller, Graham
Morrow, Jeff
Myers, Mike
Nay, Greg
Neri, Jim
Nyhan, Chris
Oliver, Martin
Ordille, Sandra
Perreault, Madeline
Perreault, Madeline
Perreault, Matt
Perreault, Matt
Phillips, Chris
Phillips, Patrick
Pierce, Bob
Pierce, Colin
Porter, Thomas
Reid, Harold
Roseman, Jon
Ruyle, Mark
Schweisinger, Fred
Seebold, Steve
Shackleton, Brendon
Sharkey, Warren
Shaw, Steve
Snead, John
Stuart, Michael
Styles, Shawn
Summers, Eric
Swartzmann, Aaron
Taylor, George
Thompson:Tiare Thompson
Tweed, Tom
Velasco, DJ
Villela, Cadu
Warner, Hank
Wood, Erin
Wood, Isaac
Young, Eric
Membership list on our website is updated quarterly, so if you just paid your dues, thank you. Your name will appear with the next update. If you would like your name to link to a surf bio, please submit content or link to contact@windanseasurfclub.org
updated: Nov 2017