Junior Leadership Development
Spearheaded by past Junior President, Steve Jenner, Windansea has made a commitment to develop the future of our club by fostering our young members' many talents. Our juniors have taken an interest in learning about the ocean and in partnership with Scripps Institute of Oceanography have mapped the ocean floor & built an ROV!
Our kids understand the importance of taking care of our coast and take part in beach clean ups. Our youth are involved in the planning of our Menehune Contest and volunteering at our Day at the Beach events.
This year the juniors will be leading fundraising efforts for the club.
Community Events
WindanSea surfers have been support Rough Water Swim, held in La Jolla Cove, for many years. This year we will be taking part in the 1 Wave Challenge and their effort to set a world record! Proceeds to benefit Boys to Men, an organization dedicated to mentoring at risk and troubled boys.