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Bill Fitzmaurice

A Big Heart-felt Thank you - Day at the Beach

Over the past four years I have had the honor, privilege and pleasure of being the Director of Day At The Beach(DATB) for The Windansea Surf Club. The Club sponsors two DATB events per year the first is typically held in July for challenged or special need surfers. The second event, held in August, is for the wonderful kids from Father Joe’s Villages . Each of these two events have their own distinct personalities, characteristics, challenges and rewards. One of many common denominators of both events is that all of us who volunteer have the opportunity to share something that is incredibly special to us as surfers and that is a Day At The Beach with great surf shared with great friends.

Being even a small part of DATB can change and reward you in many ways and if you open your heart it will help define who you are as a human being and help point your moral compass in the direction of true North.

I believe that I am a far better person because of my involvement with DATB and have many to thank for that privilege not the least of whom is my great friend Scot Cherry who for decades tirelessly built, nurtured and Directed DATB. I hope all believe that both events are evolving in a positive and good direction.

The list of those to Thank is long and seemingly endless but before I begin I would like to dedicate both 2017 DATB events not just to those who we serve but to Bill Andrews whose guidance, support, wit, humor and unparalleled participation over the past 32 years can never be fully appreciated. BA, from the bottom of our collective hearts thank you!

DATB would never be possible without the financial and in kind support or our sponsors. At the top of this list is Silvergate Bank which thanks to Dennis Frank, have over the years, contributed 10s of thousands of dollars to make both events possible. San Diego Junior Lifeguards who have kindly allowed us the use of their soft boards. La Jolla Hat Show, which for the past two years have provided the Father Joe’s event financial assistance some of which will be directed towards swim lessons provided by Jr. Lifeguards for the kids at Father Joe’s. Getwell:)network, XTERRA Surf, Sector Nine Skateboards, Father Joe’s Villages, Quicksilver, The YMCA who for years have transported Father Joe’s kids to and from the beach, Chris Nyan Landscaping who transport the surfboards to and from the beach, Mark Bromley and Javier Laos who for years have brilliantly captured and memorialized the kids and volunteers with their wonderful photos! The Rock Church, Water Ministries and of course The Windansea Surf Club. If I have left anyone out I humbly apologize.

Setting up, running the event and tearing down is a lot of work and requires the assistance of many volunteers. Some of these come from the Windansea Surf Club, some from the Rock Church, Water Ministries and other members of our ocean community. I would like to give a special thanks to my early morning set up crew who arrive begging as early as 4AM. A few of these dedicated crazies include Charles Barringer AKA CB, Tim Graham and his crew, Mark Feighan, Ben DeLeon and the Rock church early morning and all day crew, Kellen Lovell, Jason Tuschen, Mark Bromley, Bill Andrews, Rick Takahashi and my two sons Magnuson and Laird who are always with me no matter how early. Food prep and grill DJ Velasco, Pablo, Jo Roper, photos, Nancy McCandless Judith Eisenberg and Kevin Parnell, Jason and Molly Tuschen, George Brolaski, Michael Joseph Bonner, Bill Decker, Tanner Ford, Ben Barone, Braden Chalfont, Jeff and Emma L’huillier,Theo Hirschfield, Spencer Elliott, Cadu and Lorenzo Villas Adam Bloomberg, Brett Howard, Jim Neri, Dennis Frank, Father Joe’s Jennifer Ryan – Mary McDonald - Gerry Spears, XTERRA Surf – Steve Ramsthaler, Jeff McCoy, Jeff Morrow AKA “Prom Night”, Chip Deb and Julian Hasley, Brent Althaus, James Murphy, Correy McClelland, Chris Nyhan, Vinnie Whibbs, Marnie Cheney and Bill Bottin AKA Pyrat Billy, Mark Ruyle and Aaron Schwartzman, Izmael Alaniz, Ozstar de Jourday, Mike Lovell, Jo Jo Roper, The Moms, Dads and coaches of all our “Special Surfers”, and always Scot Cherry and his partner in life Robin.

So many volunteers were here this year and years prior to help with these two amazing events and I know I have forgotten many of you. You know who you are and on behalf of Day At The Beach, Exceptional Athletes, Father Joe’s Villages, The Windansea Surf club and lastly myself Thank you all and I hope to see you at 2018 DATB!!

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Windansea Surf Club

a 501(c)3 Non-Profit

PO Box  438

La Jolla,CA 92038


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